Our Team
Dr. Irene Njeri Njogu
Founder and board secretary
She is the founder, current Tunza Afya Africa Board Secretary and the official spokesperson. Irene is a Senior Medical Officer and Clinical
Psychologist, who is passionate about wellness promotion,
leaning more towards preventive measures in health, with over 14 years work
experience spanning from media houses to health institutions in both public and
private organizations.
Salome Muigai
BOARD CHAIRA Social Development Consultant with a demonstrated history of working in Constitutional review. Skilled in Project Governance, Policy Analysis, International Development, Leadership, and Community Development.
CPA Stephen Mulewa
BOARD TREASURERA consultant in Finance, Tax and Accounting matters.
Stella Chelangat
A Business Development and Management professional with a wealth of experience in people management, quality assurance, customer
service among others.
Mwaniki Njache
BOARD MEMBERA Kenyan Theatre and Film Director,
Scriptwriter, Actor and Producer in a career spanning over
two decades