What We Do
  We have developed a multi-pronged approach to adolescent mental health awareness and care.     
Theatre is a communication medium that easily reaches the minds and hearts of audiences. We have developed mental health themed short plays that can be performed anywhere with minimal props. The plays work as ice breakers and are followed by an interactive discussion mainly to inform, dispel myths and reduce stigma associated with mental health challenges. 
We have developed printable material that have easy to understand information on mental health, symptoms of mental illness, triggers, self-care and our contacts for those who would want to reach out or are in need of help. 
  3.       SCHOOL VISITS 
We visit schools, perform plays and engage the students in mental health discussions and offer anonymous counselling to students who are unable to talk to the school’s guidance and counselor. 
Many schools in poor areas do not have a guidance and counselling member of staff We fill this gap by having counselors visit the school and offer counselling services in a specially designed vehicle. 
We offer first point of contact, counselling and subsequent referral of patients to a pool of counselors, psychiatrists and wellness centres as the need arises.   

Corporate conversations on mental health

As a way of addressing stigma surrounding mental health, we have corporate-themed short plays/skits that elucidate how mental health challenges may present in the office. Our aim is to spark a conversation about such scenarios and keep people talking and being mindful on one another.

Tunza Doc

No one is immune to mental health challenges, let alone health practitioners. Conditions such as Substance Use Disorders, Depression, Anxiety Disorders, to name but a few are common among medics just as they are in the general population. Coupled with the pressure at work, such mental health challenges may manifest where coping mechanisms are not effectively employed. 
 Tunza Doc is a program that seeks to address specifically mental health issues affecting the health practitioner in a confidential and humane way.
Adolescents and young adults’ wellness programs
Hikes, picnics, games, song and dance are some of the activities we use to engage these vibrant individuals. We create a safe space for them to talk freely about challenges that they are facing, and also equip them with necessary skills for daily living (healthy coping mechanisms).

 Community-based outreach on mental health
Breaking the ice through theatre, song and dance while engaging the community in discussing the challenges they face in the mental health sphere. 
We journey with the community by empowering them to come up with solutions to the identified challenges.